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DateTimeLocationMatch Score
Vr 31/08/0719HIPNew Stingray - YOG5-4 View statsMatch form
Ma 03/09/0721OOSYOG - Porters Gent10-2 View statsMatch form
Ma 17/09/0721OOSYOG - Spartak Gent1-9 View statsMatch form
Vr 28/09/0721HIPDe Krijte Gent - YOG4-5 View statsMatch form
Ma 01/10/0721OOSYOG - Backdoor Gent3-7 View statsMatch form
Ma 08/10/0722ROZIndoor Gent - YOG5-2 View statsMatch form
Ma 15/10/0721OOSYOG - Norbeboys Gent18-1 View statsMatch form
Di 23/10/0722MERSpoorke Gent - YOG3-8 View statsMatch form
Ma 29/10/0721OOSYOG - DTR Gent3-2 View statsMatch form
Ma 05/11/0721MCOLDitactis Gent - YOG1-12 View statsMatch form
Ma 12/11/0721OOSYOG - Outsiders Gent11-3 View statsMatch form
Vr 23/11/0720ZWIJRSEV Gent - YOG View statsMatch form
Ma 26/11/0721OOSYOG - Flora Merelbeke2-8 View statsMatch form
Vr 07/12/0722GBRDe Cup Gent - YOG7-4 View statsMatch form
Ma 10/12/0721OOSYOG - Jong Nieuw Gent1-8 View statsMatch form
Ma 21/01/0821OOSYOG - New Stingray3-10 View statsMatch form
Vr 01/02/0822MCOLSpartak Gent - YOG9-2 View statsMatch form
Ma 04/02/0821OOSYOG - De Krijte Gent3-5 View statsMatch form
Wo 13/02/0822MERBackdoor Gent - YOG10-2 View statsMatch form
Ma 18/02/0821OOSYOG - Indoor Gent6-8 View statsMatch form
Wo 27/02/0822ZWIJNorbeboys Gent - YOG2-5 View statsMatch form
Ma 03/03/0821OOSYOG - Spoorke Gent12-3 View statsMatch form
Vr 14/03/0822MCOLDTR Gent - YOG1-7 View statsMatch form
Ma 17/03/0821OOSYOG - Ditactis Gent14-0 View statsMatch form
Vr 28/03/0821ZWIJOutsiders Gent - YOG6-10 View statsMatch form
Ma 31/03/0821OOSYOG - RSEV Gent4-9 View statsMatch form
Wo 09/04/0821MERFlora Merelbeke - YOG12-4 View statsMatch form
Ma 14/04/0821OOSYOG - De Cup Gent1-4 View statsMatch form
Wo 23/04/0822MERJong Nieuw Gent - YOG8-4 View statsMatch form
Ma 05/05/0822MERPorters Gent - YOG2-6 View statsMatch form

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at Last Modified: April 04 2014.