Young Ones Ghent

European Football Championship 2000


Welcome to the Young Ones Ghent european football championship competition page.
Here you can find statistics on the participants of the YOG EURO2000 competition and their ranking.

If you don't know what or who Young Ones Ghent is, don't be ashamed, nobody does!
Young Ones Ghent is a (struggling) indoor soccer team that would do practically anything to raise money to fund their teams expenses.
But you probably already know this, because the reason you are visiting this page is most likely because you already bought a ticket.

If you don't know what EURO2000 is we cannot help you (probably nobody can)
We can however suggest that you visit the following page

About the competition
You simply have to fill in your prognostics about the results of the 24 matches of the first round and answer some additional questions.
You don't have to give the exact score per match, you just specifies which team wins or if you think it will be a draw.
It cost 100 belgian francs to enter and the winner receives 2000 BF.
There are of course prizes for the people who come in second and third.

Here's an Excel form you can use to enter with all the details


Click here to see the dates, matches and results.
A list of all participants can be found here.
View the top 10 ranking.

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If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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